Thursday, December 1, 2011

Catchin Up...

A few of my favorite things from the past week or two...

1. Celebrating 2 wonderful years with my husband. (complete with lobster, roses, a shiny bauble and champagne)

 2. Thanksgiving Day. A 10 mile Turkey "Trot" with friends, delicious food and drink and spending time with our families. I was too busy stuffing my face to take all know what my plate looked like. And my food baby in my stomach afterwards. Nuff said.

3. Movember. Men with Mustaches, silly girlfriends, and tasty food and drinks. (mustache has been shaved, hallelujah)

 4. Running. My hamstring has healed,and it has moved to my hip-flexor. New shoes have been ordered...and another half marathon is a few days away. I hope it's cured with new kicks.

5. With the Holidays comes shopping and great sales....Wade and I have done a nice job being selfish and shopping for ourselves. Not gonna lie, I kinda like it. (hehe)

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