Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Fresh Perspective

Running races.

It's fun, it's exhilarating, and always having one on the horizon is the best way the keep in shape. For me, it's a way at being held accountable. Knowing I must run "XX" miles this week so I don't hurt myself/fail miserably at upcoming race "X".

And then there is burn out. When you dread waking up Sunday morning at 5am to run a stupid race in the stupid sun. Especially stupid when your knee/leg is still hurting.

So I ran this stupid race a couple weeks ago. And I was really looking forward to this one as I had ran it 2 years prior when I was still a "newer runner" than I am now. I'm not sure what happened during that race that crept into my brain and gave me a case of the bad attitudes.

Mountain to Fountain 15K
 I should really have no reason. I'm lucky really.....I have 2 legs, I'm healthy, I live in a beautiful city for running, so what happened?

I guess burn out. I have been consistently entering races since August of last summer and I need a break.

I let running get into my head too much at times and forget WHY I run in the first place.

It makes me feel good. Free.

It lets me be outside, enjoying the pretty neighborhood I live in and the temperate weather we have.

It lets me wave at neighbors/dogs and see the coyotes and javelina on cool mornings (cheesy yes, but I love seeng this stuff out running).

The last couple weeks have been void of much running. A 3 or 4 miler here and there. I let myself be a slacker...and hello, that's ok. This isn't my job. I'm not fast, I don't win races. I do it for fun. For the people I have met along the way (and the extra pizza I get to eat doesn't hurt).

I've gained a couple pounds...which isn't awesome. At all.

I put on my shoes and went out last night with no plan... And damn it felt good. 3 miles. And I did it again tonight. 5 miles.

They were the fastest, best 2 runs I've had in a long time.

I have no races planned until August and until then I vow to run like this as often as I can.

Because it's  fun.


  1. You've been working so hard and PRing all over the place--this planless time will be good for you!

  2. I hit that wall last year after my marathon. I have a half coming up in May, but Ive barely trained. I just want to run for fun this time.

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  3. I think it's high time - you deserve the break friend, and to remember to do this for fun! You're still awesome, and that next race (when you decide you are ready to get back into it) you will kill!
