B is for breakfast today: Greek yogurt, strawberries, lowfat granola and a cup of coffee. Deelish!
C is for currently craving: Nothing, I'm full! But I'm sure I'll be craving something soon...
D is for dinner tonight: Family dinner at my parents...rumor has it Mom is making homemade lasagna, sign me up!
E is for favorite type of exercise: Running or yoga. Or hiking.
F is for an irrational fear: The garbage disposal turning on with my hand in it...tripping going up the stairs and breaking my face/teeth.
G is for gross food: Fast food...it really grosses me out. The last time I ate fast food was about 7 months ago at In-N-Out on a road trip - which I consider a notch above the others. I just can't do McDonalds, Taco, etc. Blech.
H is for hometown: Redmond, Washington
I is for something important: My marriage.
J is for current favorite jam: Refer to post from Thursday, hehe.
K is for kids: Ah no. Just furry ones!
L is for current location: My couch. In the chaise section. With a blanket.
M is for the most recent way you spent money: Hmmmm. At the grocery store, putting gas in my car, dinner and drinks out at a wine bar last night ...SO exciting.
N is for something you need: Nothing. However, I would love a maid, a Louis Vuitton bag and a vacation...
O is for occupation: I sell dreams. Kidding. I sell houses.
P is for pet peeve: People that chew/chomp gum reallllly loud. I don't know why it bugs me so much. Also, people that complain about the same thing, but don't make a change.
Q is for a quote:
R is for random fact about you: I used to smoke. So disgusting. I occasionally tell people and they never believe me....but it's not something I'm particularly proud of.
S is for favorite healthy snack: Any type of fruit. Popcorn. Greek yogurt and Soyjoy bars.
T is for favorite treat: Pizza or chocolate. No doubt. Pizza would be my death row meal, more specifically, pizza with pineapple and ham.
U is for something that makes you unique: I have no idea...isn't that sad. My weirdness? My sense of sarcasm? My mad organizational skills? (kidding)
V is for favorite vegetable: Just one? Hmm...fresh picked tomatoes, broccoli and asparagus.
W is for today’s workout: My first attempt at a run in my new kicks, pain free hopefully. Yippee!
X is for X-rays you’ve had: teeth of course and back....I have a slightly unnatural curve to my spine.
Y is for yesterday’s highlight: Listening to Jay Morton at my fav wine bar, with friends.
Z is for your time zone: Mountain Standard Time.
Does anyone have something really unique about them to share??
Have a super Sunday!
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