I wasn't sure I wanted to do a recap of my weekend up in Washington...mainly because I didn't do a whole lot that deemed worthy of reading about. But I thought I'd do a short and sweet one, mainly for myself.
My Mom and I flew up to Seattle last Thursday to visit Grandma. I was really looking forward to this trip for a few reasons:
1. Get outta the heat and visit my old stomping grounds.
2. Spend time with my mom, we have NEVER taken a trip together as adults.
3. Visit Grandma and spend her Birthday with her.
The entire weekend was laid back and low key...we spent the weekend AT my Grandma's place and she lives in a retirement center. I was not super excited about this for obvious reasons, but it ended up being really fun! We spent the weekend watching the Olympics (I.can't.stop.watching.), eating, shopping, wine tasting, beer touring (my sis and bro-in-law joined, so fun) and taking walks. Grandma doesn't get around too well anymore, so my Mom and I spent one afternoon shopping and doing our own thing.
But at "just" 92, my Grandma is still sassy and smart and still hovers behind me telling me how to do things and trying to make me food, but of course, with age, comes changes and it breaks my heart seeing her slow down. I can't stress how happy I am that I took this weekend to just spend time with her. Eating PB toast each morning brought me back to being a kiddo, and it was nice to feel that way again!
I ran 2 of the 3 mornings I was there and one of the highlights of my weekend was running along the trails behind the property she lives on. It was cool, humid (82%) and hilly as shit. I had a huge smile on my face as I ran through the trails that were flanked with blackberry bushes on either side...it really brought me back to my childhood.
Runs like that are the reason I run.
I also ran inside at the new gym on the property which is brand spankin' new and extremely high tech. It was so funny to be working out alongside a bunch of retired Seniors. They were all really friendly and were cracking jokes the entire time...for once I was the youngest fastest, and strongest!
Leaving was tough...but I was really excited to get home to Wade and my furry critters. Best part...18 roses at the airport from my sweetheart. xoxo.
Looks like a blast my friend! And has me oh so excited to see your face in just a few months!!